About the journal

    "Scientific Bulletin of the military-industrial complex of Russia" (format А4) is published since January 2012. Published quarterly. It’s a peer-reviewed. The circulation is over 1000 copies. Certificate of is registration ПИ № ФС 77-59832 at 17.11.2014. ISSN 2410-4124.
    The publication is indexed in the scientific electronic library: http://elibrary.ru
    It’s enrolled through the unified catalog "Press of Russia. Newspapers and magazines". The index is 94083.
    The cost of one print magazine – is 1500 roubles.
    Magazine is distributed on the territory of the Russian Federation.
    This Bulletin will be included in the List of leading reviewed scientific journals and publications of Higher attestation Commission under the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation (VAK).
    The scientific articles are published on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of Sciences and academic degree of a doctor of Sciences in economic, technical and military specialties in this journal:
    08.00.05. Economics and national economy management (industry, management, innovation management).
    05.13.10. Management in social and economic systems.
    20.01.07. Military economy, military-industrial potential.